In about 3 months, you may attain CFA the blood relationship certificate.
在大约3个月后, 您就可以拿到CFA的血统证书.
互联网She laughs, saying a possibility is the reason that ancestors has Chinese blood relationship.
她笑, 说可能是祖上有华人血统的缘故吧.
互联网Wu Kun s grandfather is Wu Yuan - chang , who had no direct blood relationship with Wu Zhenglun.
吴昆祖父为 吴元昌, 他与吴正伦并无直系血缘关系.
互联网The imperial furniture's each series's birth, as if is having aristocrat's blood relationship.
皇家家具的每个系列的诞生, 都似乎带着贵族的血统.
互联网The third most important is blood relationship I must pay most attention to it.
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